028 9032 6795

028 9032 6795


Bite Problems

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the hinge joint where your lower jaw locates into your skull. The Lower jaw is hinged at both ends making this joint unique in the body.

TMJ Dysfunction is when there is a misalignment of the respective muscles around the jaws including your muscles of mastication which help you open and close your mouth and chew your food, and your neck muscles which help determine the position of your head and turn it to the right and left and nod up and down.

The symptoms associated with TMJ Dysfunction can be a combination of many individual symptoms:

An imbalanced TMJ can cause bite problems and may also be caused by bite problems. TMJ Dysfunction can usually be traced to a previous whiplash type trauma. The dislocation of the jaw joints tend to go unnoticed as the pain of the underlying whiplash is more severe than that of the TMJ pain and then the body adjusts posturally to accommodate to the TMJ structural Dysfunction. This can cause chronic low-grade inflammation in your Central Nervous System.