Many people still believe that tooth whitening can be carried out in the salon, in pop-up kiosks or in a client’s home. However, only qualified dental personal can legally buy whitening gel that’s a strong enough concentration to change the colour of your teeth and then carry out the whitening procedure. Often the people who are providing whitening services in salons have been duped by unscrupulous traders into thinking that they can offer tooth whitening legally.
To help everyone understand the new tooth whitening law that came into effect on 31 October 2012 a new website has just been launched, This contains information for anyone who is considering having tooth whitening and for non-dental people who are currently offering whitening to help clarify the situation. The site covers queries on what’s involved in the process and how to achieve tooth whitening in a safe and legal way. The site also acts as a resource for members of the public and allows for the reporting of illegal tooth whitening being carried out by beauticians, shopping centre kiosks and other non-dental professionals.
In addition, the illegal sale of tooth whitening products containing more than 0.1 per cent peroxide to anyone other than a dental professional or direct to the public can be reported. In a recent case a prosecution of an internet company selling peroxide based products at up to 30 times the permitted limited resulted in an 18 month jail sentence.
The Regulations say that products containing or releasing up to 6 per cent hydrogen peroxide or 16 percent carbamide peroxide can be used, as long as: